All thanks and appreciation to Advisor #Zayed_Said_Al_Shamsi, #center_head of the #Emirates_for_Human_Rights_Studies And His Excellency Chancellor #Ahmed_Kharaz_Al-Zaabi #Center_Manager
For the generosity of reception and hospitality to us and for happiness #Secretary_General of the #Norwegian_International_Association_for_Justice_and_Peace, Engineer #Tariq_Anani and his accompanying delegation and Her Excellency Dr. #Taghreed_Zuhdi_Muhammad #Goodwill_Ambassador, #President_of_ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center, and #General_Coordinator_International_Norwegian_Organization_For_Justice_And_Peace Gentlemen accompanying us, In his office, And the accompanying delegation were His Excellency Engineer #Zayed_Al_Balushi and Her Excellency Dr. #Aida_Al_Qamsh During the visit, the roles and competencies related to the work of the two institutions were identified , And future visions for files related to human rights, and to discuss ways of joint cooperation between the Center and the Associationwe wish him every success .
Dr. Taghreed Zuhdi Muhammad
Goodwill Ambassador
President of ofuq alsalam alduwali.osd CenterGeneral Coordinator International Norwegian Organization For Justice And Peace