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16 days to combat violence against women

November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated by the United Nations on the same date each year.

Based on the lofty goals of the ofuq alsalam alduwal-osd Center, which calls for love, peace, and the fight against violence and extremism, a lecture entitled “Women in Islam” was held today at the center.

Delivered by Dr. Taghreed Zuhdi Muhammad, founder and president of the Center, through which she urged an end to violence against this creature, which God Almighty honored in his book Aziz Quran (verses – 176 verses). And in different locations of the Quran

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended that women should be treated well in ten hadiths

Islam raised the status of women, and Islam respected women more than other religions; women in Islam are the sisters of men The good of the people for their family; Muslim in her childhood has the right to breastfeeding, care, and charity education, which at that time the eye of the eye, and the fruit of heart to her parents and brothers.

In addition, women in Islam have the right to own, lease, sell, buy, and other contracts, and have the right to learn and to teach, in a manner that does not contravene their religion.

It also has the same rights as men except for what they are competent without men One of the images that honored Islam for women is that a husband is forbidden to beat his wife

And make her full right to complain to her parents, or raise the ruler; because it is a human being honored by God where he said 🙁 And indeed We have honoured the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with At-Tayyibât (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment) (70) Al-Israa

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:( No one hits his wife As the server hits then fuck her) Bukhari and Muslim.

This hadeeth is one of the strongest conversations that are said in the prohibition on beating women Because it is not appropriate for a man to insult his wife She is a human being like him He must treat her well. She is not his servant

  Dr.. Taghreed Zuhdi Mohammed

Founder and Chairman of the Board of

ofuq alsalam alduwal-osd Center

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