The Family of #ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center in the United Arab Emirates and #Norwegian_International_Association_for_Justice_and_Peace/ Oslo Represented by its #Secretary_General #Tariq_Anani and #Al_Asayel_Society_for_Creativity_and_Fine_Art In the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, represented by its President, Dr. #Montaser_Obeidat .

And they raise the highest congratulations to the creative Dr. #Taghreed_Zuhdi_Muhammad #Goodwill_Ambassador, #President_of_ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center, and #General_Coordinator_International_Norwegian_Organization_For_Justice_And_Peace On the occasion of her obtaining the membership of the #International_Union_of_Arab Writers and officially registered at the #United_Nations, and her obtaining the certificate of the high status of the national personality .
And all thanks to His Excellency Ambassador Dr. #Muhammad_Abu_Al_Nasr #Chairman_of the_Board_of_Directors and all members of the Board of Directors and For His Excellency Dr. #Montaser_Obeidat and to all members of the #Arab_Writers_Union, we wish you continued success .
Family of #ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center