United Arab Emirates OFUQ ALSALAM ALDUWALI (OSD) Center announces that it will hold a competition to recite the Holy Qur’an (short surahs) for children from all countries under the age of 15. The number of contestants is only 50. The contestants’ videos will be displayed on the official page of the Peace Horizon International Center, and the winner will be determined according to the number of likes. For views and participation, the videos will be shown starting next Friday, and nominations will close on Friday evening. Please write the name of the contestant with the video. The videos of the contestants will be received on Messenger

Everyone is considered a winner in reciting the Holy Quran, and whoever gets first place among the contestants, his video will be shown on the center’s official page on WebSat, the official channel on YouTube, and on Facebook
Greetings from Dr. Taghrid Zuhdi Mohamed
Founder and President of the OFUQ ALSALAM ALDUWALI (OSD) Center