Presented our hand holders with your own hands that launched it #ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center In the United Arab Emirates, represented by the Dr. #Taghreed_Zuhdi_Muhammad and #International_Norwegian_Organization_For_Justice_And_Peace Eng. #Tariq_Anani On the first Monday of March 2021, some medical supplies, including diapers, absorbent pads for the elderly, a number of walking supports, and a number of tools to stabilize the leg.
We, in the holders of our hands in your hands, extend our highest gratitude and gratitude to His Excellency #Sultan_Al-Mazrouei, Director of the #Red_Crescent_Medical Center, for his prompt response and good reception to the work team. Needs it .

The team was accompanied by Dr. #Abd_Al-Latif_Mustafa_Al-Qadi, #Ambassador_of_Peace_and_Goodwill, of the #International_Norwegian_Organization_For_Justice_And_Peace, and Professor Ahmed #Khaled_Al-Rayyan, a photographer.
Dr. Taghreed Zuhdi Muhammad
Goodwill Ambassador
President of ofuq alsalam alduwali.osd Center
General Coordinator International Norwegian Organization For Justice And Peace