We, the affiliates and the family of the #ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center , We congratulate the creative doctor #Tghreed_Zuhdi_Muhammad President of #ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center , #General_Coordinator_International_Norwegian_Organization_For_Justice_And_Peace On the occasion of her receiving the supreme honor from the #Emirates_Red_Crescent, the #Sharjah branch, and this honor, which did not come from a vacuum, but came through the efforts and activities that her happiness made in serving the community, your steps towards the fields, squares and kindergartens of community service and support of volunteer campaigns, may God bless you and you, our dear Dr.
And all thanks to happiness #Abdullah_Ali_Obaid_Al_Muhairi President of #Emirates_Red_Crescent, the #Sharjah branch , For giving her the honor and to all members and volunteers #Emirates_Red_Crescent, the #Sharjah branch Wishing you the best of luck .
Media Office ofuq alsalam alduwali.osd Center