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#Story_and_lesson #sand_and_rock

The story revolves around two friends who were walking in the middle of the desert and at some point on their journey they had a big fight, and one of them slapped each other in the face.

He who had been struck felt great pain and sorrow, but without saying a word, he wrote in the sand: – “Today my good friend slapped me in the face.

Then they continued walking until they reached a beautiful oasis, so they decided to bathe in the oasis lake, but the young man who had been slapped previously got stuck in a swamp of mud and started drowning.

His friend rushed to him and saved him. At that time, the young man, who was about to drown on a large rock, wrote the following sentence:

  “Today my best friend saved my life.”

And here the friend who slapped him and saved him asked him:

  “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on the rock, why is that?”

The young man replied:

“When someone hurts us, we should write his abuse in the sand so that the winds of forgetting can wipe it away.

  But when someone does us a favor, we must engrave it on the rock, so that we will never forget it, and never erase it with a wind.”

Dr. Taghreed Zuhdi Muhammad

Goodwill Ambassador

President of ofuq alsalam alduwali.osd Center

General Coordinator International Norwegian Organization For Justice And Peace

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