In an atmosphere full of contentment and happiness, it was agreed between dr #Taghreed_Zuhdi_Muhammad #President_of_ofuq_alsalam_alduwali.osd Center And Mr. # Alamir_Abdulwahab_Al-Mansoub #President_Rodridge_Academy in the United Arab Emirates on their joint cooperation to achieve the following goals:
1. Social, human and sustainable development.
2. Exchanging visits and attending conferences and seminars on human rights, education, environment, health and scientific missions.
3. Exchange of views and opinions to achieve the future vision in professional work .
As the first of this agreement, a training course will be held in effective communication strategies and the development of people’s skills to enhance the understanding and practice of verbal, non-verbal and written communication together through the means of the digital world for those wishing to develop their skills in communication and dealing with others and building healthy relationships at work and within the household with their spouses, friends and acquaintances and across all Various personal interactions provided by the expert #Noor_al-Huda The duration of the course is two days on 15 and 16/10/2021. The trainee is granted a certified certificate locally and internationally
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ofuq alsalam alduwali.osd Center