I extend my highest congratulations to His Highness, the President, Vice President and Crown Prince of the Emirates, the rulers of the Emirates and the people of the Emirates and those residing on its fragrant land on the occasion of the golden jubilee of our dear Emirates .

We ask God Almighty to perpetuate security and prosperity for our country under the shadow of our honorable rulers and to protect our country from all bad and evil.
And I write in letters of love and friendliness the most beautiful words and sweetest phrases on the occasion of the fiftieth UAE National Day for the United Arab Emirates I am writing this letter full of good wishes for the leadership and people of the Emirates on this lofty occasion, long live the Emirates and long live the great Emirati people .
Dr. Taghreed Zuhdi Muhammad
President of the ofuq alsalam alduwali.osd
general coordinator of the Norwegian International Society for Justice and Peace