Dr. Taghrid Zuhdi Mohamed, President and Founder of the OFUQ ALSALAM ALDUWALI (OSD) Center and Member of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development / United Nations & Representative of the International Federation of International Peace Organizations in the United Arab Emirates and Chairperson of the Peace Volunteers Committee & Goodwill Ambassador & General Coordinator of the Norwegian International Society for Justice and Peace , participated in the fellowship program of the Arab Trainers Union, Training and development consultant accredited by the Union of Arab Trainers working within the Council of Arab Economic Unity in the League of Arab States and enjoys all diplomatic privileges and immunities

33 trainers and training experts from the Arab world participated in the program, led by the trainer, Counsellor, Dr. Younes Khataiba, President of the Union of Arab Trainers, and with a rate of /100/ training hours via the Internet, it was crowned with success
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