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Peace is comfort for all

Peace is the strong rope that connects us to other human beings, and it is the origin of relations between individuals, human societies and countries. It is a divine legislation that mimics the sound nature of man, because the origin of life is peace, and the search for the causes of security, stability and prosperity, and staying away from everything that leads to ruin, wars and destruction, and the destruction of forces, and the squandering of goodness. As for panic, ruin, fear and everything that contradicts peace, these are things that are not inherent in the human soul, and man would not feel fear of them, except because they are not in harmony with his soul, heart and spirit

Peace and security are linked to three concepts in this field, including the concept of peacemaking, which means helping the conflicting parties to reach an agreement among themselves to reach a state of stability, the concept of peacekeeping, which means preventing the conflicting parties from waging wars against each other, and the concept of peacebuilding, which means building a society capable of adopting and establishing a culture of peace through preserving human rights, accepting others, values ​​of tolerance, pluralism, economic development, and education, in addition to achieving harmony between the individual and the environment, and between the individual and society

Dr. Taghrid Zuhdi Mohamed

Founder and President of the Ofuq-Al-Salam-Al-Duwali OSD  Center

Member of the Platform for the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and Sustainable Development / United Nations

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