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Official opening of Zam Prime Company

We were honored to accept the invitation extended to us by the Prince of Georgia, His Highness Prince Juan Bagrationi Mukhrani and his wife Princess Kristine Dzidzigori to attend the official opening of the regional office of Zam Prime Real Estate Company in the Emirate of Dubai in partnership with Mardi Real Estate Group in Georgia, in the presence of Sheikh Maktoum bin Abdul Hakeem Al Maktoum and Sheikh Zayed bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, and the presence of a large number of businessmen, excellencies, ambassadors and ministers

Dr. Taghrid Zuhdi Mohamed, Founder and President of the Ofuq-Al-Salam-Al-Duwali OSD  Center, Member of the Platform of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and Sustainable Development/United Nations, extended special thanks to the Prince of Georgia, His Highness Prince Juan Bagrationi Mukhrani, his wife Princess Christine Dzidzhigori, and Dr. Munir Azzam Al Hamed, Ambassador of the International Real Estate Awards, for the warm reception

This prestigious event is the perfect opportunity to connect with investors, senior real estate experts and interested entrepreneurs locally and internationally

press office

of the Ofuq-Al-Salam-Al-Duwali OSD  Center

Member of the Platform for the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and Sustainable Development / United Nations

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