Beginnings are the beginning of every end, as soon as one year ends another begins, and it requires strong determination, serious activity, and preparation that he has acquired, so he enters the new stage with a bright smile, realizing that his success is in his preparation, as by striving for his goal he gains the satisfaction of himself and those around him, and enters the realm of glory
launching stage is one of the important stages in life and it depends on the speed of reaction and the speed of reflection, as the person rushes from the starting supports with maximum speed and strength. Always remember, if you are superior, strive to be distinguished. Not every superior person is distinguished, but certainly every distinguished person is superior. Do not be satisfied with little, but go towards the top, and leave your own mark in this world. Be a legend
Dr. Taghrid Zuhdi Mohamed
President and Founder of the OFUQ ALSALAM ALDUWALI (OSD) Center
Member of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development / United Nations